10 May 2017

The 2017-18 Budget has left much to be desired for the residents of Greenway. 

Malcolm Turnbull had the chance to fix the unfair policies of the last four years under the Liberals. He didn’t.

Instead, this Budget is seriously out of touch with everyday Australians and is characterised by a “cut first, think last” mentality. Malcolm Turnbull has given a tax cut to millionaires, but has provided no meaningful action to address unemployment and housing affordability.  

As a result of this Budget, someone earning a million dollars will pay $16,400 less in tax this year, while someone earning $65,000 will pay $325 more tax in two years’ time.

In Malcolm Turnbull’s own Budget forecasts, there are 95,000 fewer jobs in Australia than last year, a far cry from the “jobs and growth” that were promised at the last election.

On top of this, Malcolm Turnbull is making it harder for young people to go to university and get a well-paying job. University fees are rising and now he is forcing students to pay back their HECS loans sooner. 

Malcolm Turnbull will also cut a massive $22 billion in funding to local schools, slashing the equivalent of $2.4 million from every school.

With this inequitable Budget, Malcolm Turnbull has changed their tactics, they’ve changed their rhetoric, but they will never change their minds. Under this Government, Medicare and proper education funding will always be at risk.

In another Budget measure, after sustained pressure from Labor and local councils, the Government has been forced to backtrack on their cuts to local government funding, by restoring funding indexation. Labor has fought these cuts, which impacted Blacktown Council’s ability to plan into the future for our area. This is a small victory for the community, against the Backdrop of a budget which benefits the higher end of town.

Despite the Government’s rhetoric on infrastructure, there is not a cent in the budget for funding the Western Sydney Rail link. In contrast to this Budget, Labor is committed to real action on housing affordability, proper education funding and addressing unemployment in Western Sydney.   

Ultimately, the 2017-18 Budget exemplifies the warped priorities of the Turnbull Government. Unfortunately for the people of Greenway, Malcolm Turnbull has put vested interests above the community’s interests