23 August 2017

Michelle Rowland MP, Member for Greenway, has raised the need for improved commuter car parking at local train stations in Federal Parliament, speaking in the House of Representatives on Thursday.  

Quotes from the speech attributable to Michelle Rowland:

“This is one of the single biggest issues raised with me as the local member. I constantly hear accounts of residents who are affected by the chronic lack of parking in our area, particularly at Schofields and Quakers Hill train stations.”

“It has become a fact of life for public transport commuters in north-west Sydney that they face a daily struggle every morning just trying to find a parking spot. That's before they even board a train to begin their commute, most often to the city, which is about an hour away.”

“Without safe and accessible train stations, and when commuters are parking literally in the next suburb to access their local station or even catching an Uber from where they do park their car to the station, it's understandable that frustrated residents take to the roads.”

“The current parking situation is a strong disincentive for local residents to use public transport. To add insult to injury, the state Liberal government is locking in a massive toll on Western Sydney drivers with the toll being reintroduced on the M4. This is a toll on hardworking commuters. And, when commuters decide to try and use public transport instead, what do they have? They simply can't find a parking spot at their train station.”

“The failure to meet growth with infrastructure and services is one of the biggest failures of this Liberal Government in New South Wales.”

“For residents of Greenway, I know that the lack of parking means less personal and family time. I know that from personal experience. I am committed to making sure families and communities in my area have better access to commuter-parking options.”